我们相信多样性, 股本, 包容应该贯穿于组织的文化(以及日常运营的一部分)。. 频繁的对话/论坛和培训将帮助团队成员理解DE的重要性&我对他们的职业和个人成功很感兴趣. 我们提供各种各样的多样性, 股本, 以及评估等包容性服务, 发展中, 加强包容性环境, 创建全局DE&I战略,举办包容性培训,建立招聘渠道等等.


Barthwell集团有创意, 专有方法,帮助全国最安全网赌平台增强多样性, 股本, 包括他们的组织. We focus on understanding the organization’s climate for diversity by obtaining the frank input of its stakeholders, 制定互动策略以加强多样性, 建立可持续发展的渠道,增加多样化的人才, 协调实施多元化战略, 并根据可量化的指标监控进度. 作为我们服务的一部分,我们经常帮助我们的全国最安全网赌平台建设可持续的建筑, mutually beneficial relationships with institutions and organizations (including minority serving institutions) which consistently yield highly-qualified diverse candidates, 创建自定义的, 参与培训项目以确保利益相关者的“认同”.


  • 招聘管道
  • 包容的环境
  • 全球D&我的策略
  • 茎的合作
  • 退伍军人,残疾人
  • D&我峰会
  • 招聘多元化的董事会成员
  • 包含培训
  • 包容性文化评估
  • 招聘及留用策略


  • 了解全国最安全网赌平台的多样性和包容性目标
  • 对当前环境进行全面评估
  • 制定和实施定制的互动策略,以提高多样性和包容性
  • 与管道建立关系,提供可持续的高素质多样化人才资源(例如.g.、少数族裔服务机构及组织)
  • 开发工具来衡量结果


Enhancing the Diversity Recruitment Practices and Inclusive Environment at a Research Division of a Branch of the U.S. 军事


尽管美国的一个分支机构的研究部门.S. 军队与少数民族服务机构有一些关系, 这些关系并没有吸引到足够多的不同类型的候选人加入其工作队伍. 年度员工调查显示,少数族裔对工作环境有些不满, 但并没有提供对原因的深入解释.


The Barthwell Group developed customized assessment instruments and interviewed over 160 stakeholders from 24 MSIs and four military bases in order to gain in-depth insights regarding: (i) the relationship between the Client and the MSIs, 以及(ii)全国最安全网赌平台组织内多元化专业人员的工作环境. 综合分析, 由巴思韦尔集团提交给该部门的最高管理机构, 向全国最安全网赌平台提供新的, substantive insights and actionable recommendations to enhance its relationships with MSIs and the environment for minority professionals. 该司执行了其中许多建议.

为某公司制定多元化招聘计划 财富500强 公司


虽然是a的除法 财富500强 该公司与传统黑人学院和大学(“HBCUs”)建立了长期合作关系。, these relationships were not yielding fruitful business relationships or resulting in an influx of diverse employees. The Client recognized that the relationships had been developed in an ad-hoc fashion as opposed to strategically.


The Barthwell Group identified the capabilities required by the Client to form productive partnerships with higher education institutions. 利用政府立法将hbcu归类为小型弱势企业, The Barthwell Group designed a program where the Client would place contracts with selected HBCUs in order to meet internal and external small business requirements and whereby its employees and high-quality minority students began to build relationships. 在对104个hbcu进行扫描后, 我们开发了十家机构的综合概况,使全国最安全网赌平台能够看到深度, 宽度, 并使机构的能力与其需求保持一致. 不到30天, we leveraged our longstanding relationships with HBCUs to enable the Client to issue contracts to the selected HBCUs. 所有项目均在预算内按时完成. 所有机构都签订了第二轮合同, 全国最安全网赌平台通过这些关系招聘实习生和员工.



A large state university was unable to attract diverse graduate students in numbers commensurate with its state’s population. 除了, the University was leaving research dollars on the table because it often could not provide the minority partners required by some federal agencies. The president wanted to build mutually beneficial relationships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (“HBCUs”) to address these challenges.


The Barthwell Group developed a multifaceted program designed to provide mutual benefit to the HBCU partners and the Client. 在与全国最安全网赌平台的利益相关者接触后, 以及hbcu的高管, 教育部, 基金会高管, we developed the concept for a collaboration which would create a partnership between the Client and multiple HBCUs in a multifaceted program to increase minority graduate students and professionals in the Science, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM)学科.

下一个, we conducted a comprehensive scan of the 100+ HBCUs to determine those which met the requirements for partnership (previously developed with the Client). We leveraged our longstanding excellent relationships with HBCUs to develop the partnership between the Client and multiple HBCUs. 在头两年, The Barthwell Group coordinated the implementation of the collaboration by ensuring regular communication among the partners. We also monitored the operation of a summer research program involving HBCU and the Client’s students in the STEM disciplines, 并协助发展合作伙伴之间的教师STEM研究合作.

最后, 我们确保合作的可持续性,并确定了额外的资金来源. The highly successful collaboration enabled more than 85 students to engage in intensive research experiences and resulted in 97% of the participants in its Summer Scholars Institute indicating that they will pursue graduate degrees in the STEM disciplines. 参加暑期学者研究所的人数增加了两倍多, 这项合作在合作伙伴的教师之间建立了研究关系.

为一家美国分行创建一个动态的多元化招聘计划.S. 军事


美国的一个分支.S. 军方无法从代表性不足的人口中招募足够数量的军官候选人. 以前的招聘工作主要集中在校园参观、大学博览会和有限的赞助上.


巴思韦尔集团开发了一种创造性的, 动态, and engaging diversity recruitment training program for all of the military branch’s officer recruitment officers. The program demonstrated tangible methods to build relationships with higher education institutions (including Minority Serving Institutions) and organizations which would be sustainable pools of diverse talent. 除了, our training team included representatives from multiple potential diversity pipelines thereby enabling the trainees to build relationships on the spot. We provided the trainees with approximately 90 profiles of potential recruitment sources and each participant developed a customized diversity recruitment plan.

提高员工的多样性 《全国最安全网赌平台》世界500强 公司


美国.S. a的子公司 《全国最安全网赌平台》世界500强 company was not having the desired success in creating an environment where all persons regardless of differences would be able to contribute maximum value. 除了, 尽管它的全国最安全网赌平台群变得越来越多样化, 它的劳动力并没有反映出这种多样性. 尽管该公司最近成立了一个由高层领导组成的多元化委员会, 该委员会没有明确的战略来执行其使命.


Barthwell集团制定了一种分阶段的方法来协助全国最安全网赌平台. 在第一阶段, we conducted an assessment to obtain feedback from Diversity Council members regarding the key challenges which needed to be resolved to enhance inclusion and the actions which the Council should undertake. 然后,我们与多元化委员会合作,成功地制定了其战略. 第二阶段期间, we used the assessment and other tools to implement an effective strategy to ensure an inclusive environment which enhanced its competitiveness as it underwent substantive organizational changes.